Is your homepage copy working hard enough to make sales?

The Ten-Minute Strategy to Get Enquiries Off Your Homepage Alone

Harmonise your homepage copy with your half-million vision

In this free video training, I dissect six homepage segments that position you as the trusted provider you deserve to be.

Before readers even click through to a second page.

1. The Transformational Welcome

2. The Gentle Authority Showcase

3. The Empathetic Narrative

4. The Signature Strategy

5. The Mini About

6. The On the Fence

Follow the training along with your workbook, mapping out the core homepage segments you need to turn browsers into buyers.

Four signs your homepage copy fails the five-second test​

This training is perfect for you if your website visitors can’t instantly grasp:


The specific, can’t-put-a-price-on-this transformation that you offer.


What makes you an industry authority above and beyond competitors.


That you empathise with the exact challenges they’re experiencing right now.


That you offer the missing piece to the challenges they’ve been trying to solve.

If you tick two or more of these criteria, you’ll find invaluable guidance in this free training.

How would you feel if perfect-fit prospects found your website and took action right away?

Let’s show them they’ve hit gold when they find your website.

It’s time to fix that outdated homepage copy​

Your website still speaks to those old 100k ambitions, but you’re eyeing up 500k now.

You’re hesitant to direct prospects to this website.

Because it’s selling you short.

Your genius?


The transformation your clients enjoy?

Not clear enough.

Meanwhile, prospects are slipping through your fingers, booking calls with the competition.

Meet Charlotte, your copy consultant

Having strategised copy for high-profile individuals at Sephora, Paris Fashion Week, and Forbes, I now write the words that make dream clients sit up, take notice, and hit ‘Book Now’ for visionary coaches and intuitives like you.

I know what it’s like to be the wallflower at the event or the voice drowned out in the boardroom. I’ve been the woman that no one listened to and have fought to be heard by the right people.

Let’s get you heard by the right people too.

You don’t have to be a paid client to start working with me. ↓

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